Tina’s Summer Story

The Astute Hoot gals are always on the move in one way or another and this summer has been no different. I was lucky enough to take a trip of a lifetime with my husband Nick and dog Luna in a 24ft RV (named Loretta) for the last 2 months. We left on May 3rd and returned home on July 4th. We traveled around the perimeter of the USA looking for a new place to eventually live and to kick off our creative business together. All-in-all we visited 25 states and drove over 11,700 miles! We took about 10,000 vacation photos during the 2 months and have only scratched the surface of editing. One of my favorite things to take pictures of is critters. We kept a list of all the wild animals we saw and some of them stayed still enough for a photo op. Here’s a couple of my favorite pics from the first few places we visited. To see more of the pics and highlights you can visit the TNTbomb.com travel blog.

Our site-seeing began in South Dakota at Bear Country USA, then on to the Badlands, Mt Rushmore and many other Great Plains roadside attractions.

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Next we spent some time in the AMAZING Yellowstone National Park. I was in love with all the critters everywhere, including buffalo that walk right past your car.

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Once we passed the plains we enjoyed the beauty of the coast and spent some time with friends in Seattle.

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We also enjoyed more city time in Portland and went to the market for some food, crafts and people watching.

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It took us a long time to travel down the Oregon and California coast because every mile was as beautiful as the one before. The ocean was always calling us to dip our toes in and let Luna take a swim.

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