Stop Standardized Test Stress!

Does the thought of standardized testing make you cringe? Stop the standardized test stress with these three easy, engaging classroom activities.

1.Testing Worry Pockets: Read Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes and make text connections to  Wemberly and her worries.  Discuss students’ test-taking worries and brainstorm ways to alleviate them. Make Testing Worry Pockets with a Wemberly template, library pocket and index card. Students will color the template, glue on the library pocket and tuck testing worry inside.

2. Standardized Stress Snowballs: Students write their testing worries on paper snowballs and gather in a large circle at the carpet area. Throw snowballs into the center, ridding the class of those testing troubles.

Stress snowballs paper


Stress snowballs


Stress snowballs at carpet


Throwing stress snowballs

3. Testing Trail Mix: Read and make Testing Trail Mix together. Put in cups for students to eat while reading a testing story such as Testing Miss Malarkey by Judy Finchler or The Big Test by Julie Danneberg.

Test Prep Trail Mix Recipe


Test prep trail mix

Download our FREE Standardized Test Prep unit for additional activities and testing tips.



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