How to Find Balance with Virtual Learning

Love or hate it, virtual learning has become our new reality. As a reading interventionist and kindergarten teacher, this has been a difficult and daunting shift for us as we wholeheartedly believe in multi-modal, hands-on instruction.

One of our biggest challenges has been keeping young children engaged and motivated during virtual learning. It is important for us to find balance between screen time and authentic, hands-on learning. Here are our top 4 ways we’ve enhanced virtual learning for our students: Read more

Games That Teach: Part 2

Use a Sharpie or sticker to put letters or numbers on the hoods of matchbox cars. Children can practice letter, sound and/or number recognition as they play. They can also practice lining them up in alphabetical or numerical order. This a great way to “trick” them into playing learning games. It worked for my boys! 🙂


Games That Teach: Part 1

  1. Turn Hopscotch into a fun learning game!  Use chalk to draw a hopscotch and fill in the squares with a specific concept (numbers, shapes, letters, sight words, etc.).  Kids will have so much fun jumping and moving while learning basic academic skills.


Reading with your kiddos at home…

Parents, does this sound familiar:  “I’m too tired to read,” “You read it to me mommy,”  “I already read at school today.”  Sometimes having kids practice their reading at home can turn into a chore or a fight, even when children are capable readers.  I was experiencing this at home with my own son, and my students at school.  This inspired me to collaborate with my partners and develop the “Hoo Can Read?” flashcards.  This learning game makes reading time fun and eliminates all the anxieties and frustrations children have with reading.  By providing choices, support, and taking turns reading, children begin to experience success, increase their confidence, and become motivated to read.  It is truly amazing to me that now my son and my students who used to avoid reading, now BEG me to get the “owl” cards and read with them!

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