Top 12 Active Engagement Strategies

Use these tried and true active engagement strategies to strengthen motivation, increase achievement and infuse fun into any classroom: 1. Think-Pair-Share: Students partner up and take 1-2 minutes to think silently about an answer to a specific question. At the teacher’s signal, each student faces his/her partner and discuss questions together. At the signal, students …

The Costliest Mistake Teachers Can Make

With the implementation of Common Core standards and performance-based pay, teachers are under more pressure to perform than ever. Every minute must be devoted to instruction, causing teachers to cut any activity not directly aligned to standards. This intense pressure starts at the beginning of the year, a vital time to set expectations and establish …

How to Boost Reading Fluency during Remote Learning

Like many other educators, I’ve been missing my students greatly and have been trying to wrap my head around providing quality specialized intervention instruction during distance learning and remote instruction.   Most of my students have goals in the area of reading fluency. During the school year we used a variety of strategies to increase …

Move Over Elf on the Shelf–The Reindeer is in the Room

Is Christmas craziness taking over your classroom? As a veteran teacher, I’ve tried every behavior management trick and technique to calm holiday chaos that predictably arrives every year around December 1 and have found limited success. These three weeks should be full of fun and learning, but for years they left me exasperated and exhausted. …

Teaching Visualization to Increase Comprehension

“I’m Vern the Visualizing Vulture; use me like a TV. Events, characters, and settings are what I help you see. If you picture these in your mind like your favorite movie, Then understanding what you read will be so groovy!” Vern the Visualizing Vulture is one our comprehension strategy animals in Hazel’s Reading Roost. Vern supports …

Glitter 101: How to Survive Glitter in the Classroom

For most, glitter evokes the holiday season, but for elementary teachers, just the thought makes their toes curl and sends shivers down their spines. Glitter is messy, time-consuming and ever-lasting (hence those few pesky sprinkles lingering around at the end of the year). The messiness discourages many teachers from incorporating glitter into art projects, but …

Flash Friday Freebie: Classroom Management Keys

It’s our Flash Friday Freebie! Download the free Golden Keys to Success Classroom Management Plan and purchase the accompanying Golden Keys to Success Lesson Plans to start your year off on a golden note. Do you every feel as if you are a glorified manager, simply trying to control the herd and maintain peace? Your classroom management plan is …

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